Our Mission
To see Christian schools fully funded and thriving for generations to come.
Fortify is an education foundation established exclusively to serve Christian schools and organizations in support of Christian Education nationwide. We provide the infrastructure and expertise to grow endowment funds, specific purpose funds, and scholarships.
Our foundation has established four fundamental values: Thriving, Attracting, Welcoming, and Equipping. We want to see Christian schools accomplishing their mission, yet be nimble and responsive to both opportunities and challenges. We would like to see them welcoming new families and their children to fill all the seats regardless of their ability to pay, and creating engaging and state-of-the art classrooms and learning environments that are attractive and safe, while equipping their teachers with excellent compensation and access to the best resources and continuing education.
It's simple. We want to see Christian Schools fully funded. Our vision is to see Christian schools move from surviving to thriving. And we want to invite you to join with us.